Google Ads and Shopify for SMEs: How Much Budget Do You Need?
Let’s take a deep dive into budget for Google Ads, specifically for small Shopify stores. Using real data from our own clients, we show you what you can achieve.
Using Google Ads To Target High Net-worth Individuals
While targeting the wealthy demographic isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do with Google, it's not impossible and there are lots of changes and adjustments that you can make to improve your overalls campaigns performance.
Google Display Ads: Size Specifications
Display ads capture people’s attention across the Google Display Network’s 2 million websites and apps. Here are the most common ad sizes for the display network.
Google Ads (AdWords) account hit a plateau? Here's what to do.
Sometimes Google Ads accounts can just hit a plateau and that's perfectly normal. Here are some top tips and tricks you can try if you’re campaign has hit a plateau!