Putting the data in data-driven.
There's no one that makes us want to hide in a corner and unleash a good cry more than marketing people who don’t really, truly, understand data.
Work with us and we’ll magically spin your data into useable, helpful information to guide and improve your SEO.
We’ll tell you things like:
The % of your website pages currently getting 0 clicks on Google
If your website has become reliant on only a handful of good-performing pages
The terms you ranked well for 6 months ago but aren’t ranking well for now and what we can do about it
The % of your keywords on page 1, page 2, page 3
And more.
What We Do.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry in the town knows who you are now. Local SEO builds search engine and Google maps exposure in your local geographic area.
Perfect for any business with a local target audience such as restaurants, coffee shops, healthcare establishments etc.
From Durham to Dorset, cover the whole country with national SEO.
This type of SEO builds exposure across the whole of the country.
Gone digital eh? Keep up with the times and showcase your products to wallet ready online shoppers as they browse search engines.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Wordpress. Our second most favourite website platform (sorry Wordpress, you lost out to Squarespace on that one ;)).
Wordpress SEO is SEO for Wordpress websites. But we probably didn’t need to tell you that. This type of SEO can be undertaken at local, national or international level.
We know all the Wordpress secrets, the best plugins and optimisation tips you won’t find lurking anywhere else on the internet.
Our favourite website builder. No, seriously. We love it so much we built our own website on it.
Squarespace SEO is SEO specifically for Squarespace websites. Can be done at local, national or international level.
We won’t bore you with the jargon. But we will ensure your website meets the technical requirements of modern search engines.
If you’re crazy enough to want to get knee-deep in technical talk, we also offer consultancy and training. Contact us.

Shall we chat?
No sales pitch. No obligation. Just me, you and a nice brew ☕️
Google Partner & SEO Specialists in Lincoln, UK
Short, sweet, and to the point. We think there’s a few reasons why you should choose us …
So instead of calling us while standing in line at Starbucks on the only 5 minute break you’ll get today, you can schedule a call any time between 7:30am and 9pm with us online.
CC Digital is comprised of 3 freelancers; Chloe, Josh & Ben. We’re small and want to keep it that way. Our way of working provides a crossover between agency and freelance working. The best of both worlds.
Average response time: 32 minutes. We’re there whenever you need us.
Loom changed our lives. And we don’t say that lightly. In 2022 we reduced the need for 133 client meetings by sending regular Loom updates leading to some happy clients and an equally happy Chloe.
“Fantastic Update Chloe, It is great to have this feedback!! The video format is much better than email as well. I can see it is going well, thank you, keep up the good work.” - Dean Walsh | Walsh Podiatry
And gave the middle finger to charts and KPIs you’ll never understand. Instead, our data specialist Chloe carefully writes and handcrafts every report to tailor the content to your knowledge level. Follow this up with a 5 minute monthly video update and you’ve got yourself a pretty sweet recipe for actually understanding your data.
We Practice What We Preach.
Chances are you found this page from a Google Search. Probably for “seo agency lincoln” because that’s exactly what this page was optimised for. You know where this is going …
We practice what we preach. Nobody is perfect, but drowning down on page 5 doesn’t exactly give us the flex we need to prove our skills as SEO specialists. We’ve worked to rank this page. We’ll work to rank yours too.
“Chloe, thank you for your time but I’ll do it myself.”
And I applaud you for that. But here’s a few reasons why you should probably hire a specialist …
Between the 3 of us here at CC Digital, we have over 25 years of experience. We know just about every trick in the book. These “tricks” generate results.
Take your foot off the gas and you’ll slow down pretty fast.
SEO requires time but also rewards consistency. Hiring an SEO specialist to do the hard work for you guarantees that consistency.
And they may not be the same as your physical competition.
Just because Dorris also owns a salon down the road doesn’t mean she presents herself as a competitor digitally.
We’ll identify analyse your competitors web pages and compare them to yours for key SEO elements including; heading tags, keyword content, meta data, word count and more.
Conversion rate optimisation is too often overlooked. But it’s vital.
Getting more organic website traffic is great, but is that traffic converting? Which of your pages have the worst bounce rates? How long are people staying on your site? Analysing user behaviour helps us to work on improving your sites conversion rates (the % of website users who enquire or purchase from you).
SEO requires software. What keywords should your target? What are the current search trends? Did your rankings increase after all that effort? Are those extra sales really from your SEO?
Answering even the most basic of SEO questions requires software and often, a lot of it.
We were curious ourselves so we added it up. If each of our clients were to pay monthly for the software used in our SEO efforts, they would spend a whopping £2344 per month EACH!
As an agency we get access to special pricing plans meaning we don’t have to reflect large pricing plans onto you. Plus we’ve invested some serious dosh in lifetime subscriptions for many applications so even if their prices rise, yours don’t have to.
No Free Audit Here. Sorry.
Proper SEO audits plummet deep into your website, its structure, its contents and particulars Google themselves would be proud of.
Tired of generic automated audits? We feel you. While we do use software to analyse your data, we also conduct manual evaluations of your site. This means we dive into every page individually, combining our expertise with the information from our software to identify areas for improvement.
Hop on a 30-minute consultation call with us. You won’t walk away with an automated 30-point audit. But we can guarantee you some honest advice and probably a good laugh.
“Google is King for having your business found and the best person, who will take the most time and care to make sure you are getting genuine quality exposure is Chloe at CC Digital.”
— Andrea Warner | Wilde About Tan & Creative in Time Marketing
We Need To Talk About Blogs 🛑
You’ve probably heard blogging is good for SEO. And you heard correctly.
But, before you dive in and pump out more blogs than Taylor Swift did songs in the last 3 years, we need to talk about traffic quality.
Blogs are great for creating authority. They help you to show Google you really know your stuff about your industry.
But they can also draw in heaps of low-quality, geographically untargeted, useless traffic.
Balance and data evaluation is essential. It’s important to separate out your blog and non-blog traffic when reporting, compare conversion (or sales) rates from blog vs non-blog traffic and monitor your blog SEO separately from your overall SEO results.